August 04, 2003

simple pleasures

A friend on a Yahoo Groups e-mail discussion list commented, "sounds like Jeffrey has the perfect retreat! Coffee, e-mail, a couple of Seppalas at your feet as you write? How much better does it get?" This stopped me cold for a few seconds when I read it — I just hadn't thought about it that way. It's true. A very nice woodstove was installed in this cabin a couple of days ago, just in time to take off the growing morning chill; there is abundant deadfall just behind the cabin for autumn firewood. My leader and constant companion Tonya lies on a blanket right by my feet, and another little elf called Nera, with big luminous brown eyes and a steel-blue coat, has joined her for the past couple of days.

How much better, indeed, does it get? The weather has been rainy and unsuitable for outdoor chores, so little guilt attaches to staying inside at the computer keyboard. There's a great deal to be said for quiet contentment and simple pleasures. Excuse me while I go make myself another cup of coffee!

Posted by jjeffrey at August 4, 2003 05:37 PM