January 15, 2006

Nothing matters but love

It has taken me a lifetime of trying this and that, and of fighting shy of the many traps that the system offers, everyday traps like marriage, employment, politics, food, alcohol, drugs, fame, success, wealth, etc. etc. -- to realise that nothing really matters but love. That's the one thing that can make this thing called "life" worthwhile. Trouble is, it seems all but impossible to achieve, except in the most transient way, between two human beings! Ego, resentment, distrust, boredom, power-tripping, manipulation, sex, and suchlike human fallibilities quickly get in the way of human love and block the flow, shut off the tap.

And that seems to be where dogs come in! Somehow, they have the talent of offering unconditional love to us poor human folk. What a priceless offering! Literally priceless, because it's so freely given.

I'm not at all sure that they can do that with one another, in fact I really think they can't, probably for reasons similar to those I've just mentioned that get in the way of human love. So what does that say about love? That it's difficult to love what's too much like you, just as it's difficult to love yourself? That ego obstructs love in the canine species just as it does in our own? Probably that's it.

To me the most important thing about Seppalas is that unconditional love which they offer. Not how fast they can or can't run. Not whether or not they can win races for a few mentally constipated jock elitists. No, Seppalas are all about LOVE. It's a bit sad that it takes courage to admit this simple fact. People are pretty scared of love and commitment these days, and talking about those things is apt to let you in for some heavy ridicule. Nevertheless, anybody who's willing to let these dogs out of the kennel and into the house will quickly discover what I'm talking about.

Posted by jjeffrey at January 15, 2006 01:41 PM

Now living very, very close with 2 adults SSSD and 2 pups SSSD, having gone through something I wouldn't wish for any other breeder on earth, I agree, love for them and love from them IS what really counts...

Never, in my human with dogs life experience, I have experienced such a great 2 ways relationship between man (woman, child, family) and dog.

Let the sunshine in, says the old but actual tube! Well, in many situations, SSSDs are...

Thanks for this message, it says it all!


Posted by: JM Belanger at January 18, 2006 02:13 PM