May 14, 2006

but it ain't here yet

A MONTH AND A HALF AGO I said spring was coming. I lied.

The weather seems seriously out of order, more and more. After a tepid winter, now we can't seem to get into spring here in the Yukon. It has snowed -- a little bit -- most days for the past couple weeks. Yesterday it finally turned to rain, but when I looked at the thermometer this morning it was still only about three degrees above freezing. Things aren't greening up in the usual way. We spotted the first crocus of the season about five days ago, but it must be freezing its li'l purple butt off and wishing it had slept for another couple weeks.

CHOOCH didn't take to her ZAKI mating. I don't know which one of them was at fault, or maybe it was both. He's pretty old, and she had a fairly odd heat and a lot of abnormal discharge afterward.

LIZAVETA was mated to PAVEL OF SEPPALA (son of SHAKAL IZ SOLOVYEV the Russian import, out of ZIRCONIA OF SEPP-ALTA). It has been five weeks; she isn't bigging up just yet, but she has the right kind of discharge, she stopped shedding right after the mating, her back has that mirror-sheen on it, and her behaviour has altered radically. She's super-soppy, and she will no longer participate in any exercise-yard games; just sits beside Isa or me and watches the others play. When she gets near any other bitch (except Tonya or Janis who are with her every day in the shack), she sports an AMAZING "Mohawk" that goes all the way down to her tail. And her eating has become impossibly picky. Another week or ten days should see her blowing up like a balloon if she's really pregnant. Let's hope -- we need something to salvage this depressing non-spring season.

Posted by ditkoofseppala at May 14, 2006 05:44 PM