March 28, 2008

A.A.S. Checkpoint Mileage

Here are the All-Alaska Sweepstakes checkpoint mileages as reported by the Nome Kennel Club in their "Check Point History 1908 - 1917":

Nome - Start and finish
Fort Davis - (3.5 miles) also know as Nome River in 1912 & 1914. Galvin’s in 1911.
Hastings - (9.1 miles) Check points in 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1913.
Cape Nome - (13 miles) Check point for all of the years.
Safety - (22 miles) also known as Port Safety. Check point for all of the years.
Solomon - (33 miles) Check point for all of the years.
Topkok - (47.2 miles) A check point from 1908-1913.
Timber - (59.7 and 67 miles, depending upon report)
Council - (75-85 miles depending upon report) Check point for all of the years.
Baker’s - (89 miles) Check point for 1912, only.
Boston - (95.6 miles) Check point 1910 through 1917.
Fish River - (121 miles) Check point in 1916 only.
Telephone - (110 – 125 miles depending upon report) Check point 1908-1915.
Haven - (124-143 miles depending upon report) Check point for all years.
First Chance - (165 miles) Check point for 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911.
Gold Run - (176 miles) Check point for 1912-1917
Candle - (204 miles) Check point and halfway point for all years of the race.

Posted by ditkoofseppala at March 28, 2008 08:08 AM