April 05, 2008

FACTS About Seppalas

ON SLEDDOG CENTRAL, the perennial gasworks, where armchair mushers expound endlessly on what they have never done nor ever will do, a thread titled "Seppala Siberian Sled Dogs" has dragged wearily on its way since last September. It's far from the first such thread, either. Invariably everybody gets into the act, the Idaho puppy-mill, The Great One, the AKC redhead, the bumsteads, the clueless, the also-rans, the wannabees, the never-ran-at-alls. What's hard to take is that these discussions are hard put to feature one or two hard facts per page. It's all about their OPINIONS. As one novice driver put it, earnestly trying to glean some glimmer of knowledge from it all, "There are all kinds of opinions" about Seppalas!

In the course of trying to dispel some of the fog of opinion and discuss some of the FACTS about Seppalas, I posted a capsule summary of the history of "Seppalas" and the sources of the confusion, on the SSSD Yahoo email list. It seemed to help a bit, so I've taken the time and trouble to polish it, format it for the web, and add it as a page on the SSSD Project website:


It won't stop all the mindless blather, but at least those who are interested in sorting out fact from fiction can now find some FACTS about Seppalas in summary form.

Posted by ditkoofseppala at April 5, 2008 08:30 AM