May 26, 2008

Takeover Update 2

Discussion of the impending entry of the Chinook breed into the AKC Miscellaneous Class has continued, sometimes at a frenetic pace, on at least one Chinook email list. CCA Director Patti Richards, after a period of relative silence punctuated by enigmatic one-line messages (sample: "This post is so full of misinformation that it isn’t worth reading." -- directed at this blog's author) came briefly onlist this afternoon with three brief messages, apparently to clarify her own personal position. In one message she said that she knew she was opening herself to attack, but wanted to state HER feelings, then stated that she would not not consider (her wording) breeding to a Chinook Cross dog; and that she had never said she wouldn't allow her dogs to be bred to a dog that was only UKC registered. In a second message she stated that the stud book would remain "open" for at least five years subsequent to AKC recognition. In the final one she said that the CCA Registrar was working with AKC to correct errors in the registry; that CCA had been given information (whose nature wasn't specified) supposed to be from AKC that turned out to be incorrect, that she was starting at zero and trying to get answers; that when polled more than half the CCA membership either felt that the Cross dogs should not be accepted or that working to fulfil the Miscellaneous Class requirements was more important; and that CCA members want full AKC recognition. She then unsubscribed from the list before she could be questioned for further details!

Leaving everyone quite upset and frustrated since her messages raised more questions than they answered, and contradicted the FAQs on the CCA site rather impressively. Further exchanges with two remaining CCA members revealed the fact that nobody knows much about the "registrar" and that the website doesn't name her; as well as the fact that there is apparently deep division in the CCA membership and Board.

At least it's good to see that they are obviously running scared and either unable or afraid to answer questions or to engage in rational debate on a breeder's list.

Posted by ditkoofseppala at May 26, 2008 10:46 PM

What do you think Perry Greene would think of his great grandson's wife leading the charge to the final degradation of the Chinook breed?

Posted by: Chris at May 27, 2008 02:41 PM