March 01, 2009


So far feedback has been minimal. One forums member has emailed me a message of solidarity and support, which was much appreciated. Everyone else is playing it close to the vest. I must make it clear that I am in process of making my mind up here, no fooling. So, a little feedback would be nice. Just how much do you (or don't you) want to see the Project continue? Not just W.C.A.C. members -- I'm asking everyone this question.

Because that's the question at issue here. I hope I've explained myself clearly enough for everyone to understand. Whether or not you, as an individual, feel like talking to me at the moment, now is the time to declare your own interests and to let me know what you are or are not willing to do to advance those interests. It is not in anyone's best interest to remain silent. My email address is functional and I'm in listening mode now.

One major problem is that I'm not at all sure that everyone really wants an SSSD evolving breed enough (a) to take on their share of the work that's involved and (b) to support loyally what's being done and the person who has been doing it for the past dozen years. There are those, apparently, who want Seppalas but want somehow to breed Project Seppalas without having to interact with the breed founder (and WCAC Breed Steward). Sorry, but that's not possible. As we all know, sleddogs bred in somebody's back yard, with no registry or organisational affiliations, are by definition Alaskan huskies, whether they have Seppala background or otherwise. Perhaps some have the notion that it would be a very good idea to get Jeffrey out of the picture. I don't intend to be put out to pasture, and I am not going to make it easy for those who (like Petsy there) have decided that I'm "senile and irrelevant."

Someone has to guide the development of an evolving breed, and that had better be the person with the greatest amount and longest duration of experience with that breed. You all know this already, but just the same: I owned, leased, and bred from dogs from J. D. McFaul in the 1970s. No one else can say that. Half of the "Second Foundation" dogs of that period of Seppala history belonged to me: Ditko of Seppala, Shango of Seppala, Frostfire Anisette, Lyl of Sepsequel, Malamak's Okleasik -- and I leased Duska of Seppala and bred to Vanka of Seppala 3rd and Mikiuk Tuktu Tornyak. (That's eight out of the ten Second Foundation animals.) I'm the only one of you who has owned a Siberia import. I'm the only person here who has bred over fifty litters of Seppalas. Added to which, I probably have more personal miles on sled runners than all the rest of you put together.

Go ahead and say I'm arrogant. Say, with Réjean, that I'm a "dictator" if you like. I refuse to feel apologetic about either my experience or my accomplishments. I'm proud of both. I'm also proud of my other abilities. There is not another person here who has demonstrated the ability to construct and manage a website like the SSSD Project site, for example.

This whole affair reminds me of Ayn Rand's book, Atlas Shrugged. I'm being asked to contribute my abilities, my resources, my dogs, my knowledge, my time, my energy for the benefit of those who do not have those things, and to apologise for having them myself. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read that book and you will.

I don't ask anyone to like me. That is not required. I do expect some R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and I expect decent backup and support for what the Project is trying to do. I expect people to put their shoulders to the wheel, their noses to the grindstone, and do whatever they CAN do to the very best of their abilities. Because that is what I do. Nothing less is acceptable. But if that is too much to expect in the postmodern era, let's find it out now, so we can all stop wasting our time on an impossible dream.

Every one of you has praised "Seppalas" to the skies in my hearing. I don't particularly need to hear it; I already know what Seppalas are like, better than anyone. But if that is truly what everyone does think, then it's time to back up your words with your wills and your energy. From here on out -- if there IS a future for W.C.A.C., the evolving breed, and the SSSD Project -- we'll be operating on the understanding that wholehearted support is a primary requirement. And if we cannot achieve that, then personally I will subscribe to the general half-hearted ethic, and stop doing all that I am doing now for Seppalas and the people who want to own them in the future.

Posted by ditkoofseppala at March 1, 2009 06:46 PM

Mayans, 2-funny! Does the Canadian’s sense of humour always come complete with that well-guided ice-pick-against-the-spine-feeling-of-reality?! Well, the way the Dow Jones plummeted today who knows if the Mayans or Martians or whoever are indeed not turning up the screws on all fronts! Unconfirmed rumours are that DW (as you put it)’s kennels is closing due to widespread health issues? Probably just gossip mongering on the dark side of the lunar cycle, or perhaps the rumour-ers were referencing the ailing equity/bond market?
Dear "conspiracies" -- well, no, not quite all at once. That has been up on DW's site for at least a couple of weeks, if memory serves. But maybe there is something in the ether. As I said to my wife last night, "What if the Mayans dropped a decimal point somewhere and it's not 2012 at all, but THIS year?" ;). Posted by ditkoofseppala at March 1, 2009 09:23 PM

Posted by: I_believe_in_conspiracies at March 2, 2009 03:46 PM

Please feel free to email me at any time. None of it is any of my business, but I do wonder. I missed a lot during the first year of my son's life and I truly meant no afront to you. I have always admired you. You are a good person and you have never been portrayed as anything else on the forums that I ever saw. Nor anyone else for that matter. I've never witnessed anyone being treated badly there at all. I do hope there will be further correspondence between you and I.

Posted by: Brandy at March 2, 2009 12:28 PM

I don't think his is the venue for a detailed reply but as you asked : there are no 'open' agreements between SK and myself, outside of course that I have a SK visitor with me in Ulan of Seppala who I was requested to house longer than intended due to kennel number pressures at SK at the time. Every other dog I have was either paid for the full asking price (eg Pyotr & Fosca. Fosca is of course still with me and Pyotr died shortly after arrival without further contribution - I donated his full cash price back to SK after it was offered to me in refund) or unconditionally gifted (Pia, Evita spayed bitches) and (Krevanka and son Uelen). I have no outstanding stud-fee obligations as such. I paid full market price for the dogs I bought but quite frankly feel the dollar-value to be no-one's business. Except for an en-route rendevouz on one occasion in Northern BC I drove to the various SK oactions and collected the dogs myself. The only open issue as such that I'm aware of is that I have asked on a couple of occasions, formally & informally for ownership regsitration papers but not yet received. Without which of course I wouldn't be able to register any [potential] upcoming liters. I hope that answers your questions. I left the forums last summer as I couldn't reconcile myself with how certain ex-members, including critical founder members were treated on that web-space, not because I wanted to establish a littele Napoleon-dom as is stated here. BTW - do you have any friggin idea how LONELY it gets with a small little niche population of great dogs in the wider sled dog world and no one to talk to that have any inclination??

Posted by: jacob at March 2, 2009 12:10 PM

It is good to hear from you. I had taken a hiatus for the sake of raising my son and when I came back, you were silent. It is good to hear that you have not completely written off everything that has been worked for and continue to uphold the standards that you agreed to. Can I ask you if you also uphold agreements made between you and Jeffrey? It really is none of my business, but I do hope that someone out there that he put his trust into IS doing just that. An agreement is an agreement in my book. When that agreement turns out to have need of alteration, then it should be that it is altered mutually or coninue as it was. Just my personal opinion. I know you spent a spell at Jeffrey's kennel and you learned so much about the COI's and genetics and seemed to really have a grasp on things in the project. I would hate to lose your knowledge in this. I, of course, have no say so, but I did want you to know that I appreciate what you had to say here.

Posted by: Brandy at March 2, 2009 11:37 AM

your a funny guy Andy, but the analogy is lost on me. You'd have to restate it by saying 'if you were one of say six children who watched their mother drown' what would you do. Dunno, perhaps I'll organize some rigging or a rope, call for a warm flask, that sort of stuff. All of the time happy & secure in the knowledge that there will be numerous onlookers sitting ready with their blackberries, laptops & ipods and cameras, fingers on the trigger and ready to report any false move I (or any of my siblings in the water, or on land) may make. or something to that effect. Dunno - arond here the water's too cold for swimming anyway at the moment, unless if one wears a REALLy thick skin

Posted by: jacob at March 2, 2009 10:24 AM

So Jacob
If your Mother were drowning and lets just say your not a great swimmer and dont care to get wet cause you don't want to get cold. Do you let her DROWN then cause its not your strong suit?

Posted by: andy at March 2, 2009 10:08 AM

Well, it won't be the first time I've had to suffer this particular brand & style of public attack, probably not the last either - by now I've grown a pretty thick e-skin! So perhaps I'll go all 'Bushy' and state this very clearly: "Read my lips: I am NOT going away, I love these dogs too much".

And in closing perhaps ask in as much level-headed honesty as I can that someone publishes on this here blog the Objectives of the WCAC, for critical review. I'm not talking the whole bylaw document, just Section 4.1(1) thru (7). Cause I'll be darned, but having re-read them several times I simply cannot see where or how it prohibits any individual to express his/her love and for the breed in his/her own way & ability. Nor does it say that every member SHALT comply with each of the 7 key objectives in equal measure, or that we all have to do things in sync - and if not then said memmber may be ostracized. For what it's worth I personally find myself favouring or prioritizing some of the objectives over and above others, I admit that, I do not apologise for it. What can I say? I prefer to house, manage & dilligently train the dogs I have in responsible ways - keeping in mind the WCAC objectives of work proving the breed where possibe, to go to great lenghts to introduce them in a positive way to the public at large, to keep an open and transparent kennel system worthy of these dogs. I have invested time, huge effort & money in this project in equal measure - not merely sitting behind the computer screen kinda stuff, I'm talking getting hands dirty & scooping poop activities. Others may find keeping registries, designing logo's and that particular vehicle of expression more to their liking & circumstances. I admire them for that, to each his own. These are WORKING SLED DOGS first and foremost and I happen to like working with these dogs in that expression. Others may be more interested in keeping and maintaining registries, I accept that - I am less good at it. To each his own - Cause even Napoleon had different 'achievments'or 'expressions', and depending on personal preference readers may find some, all, or indeed none of it to resonate with their own individual viewpoints - such is life:

Posted by: Jacob at March 2, 2009 09:43 AM

Dear "conspiracies" -- well, no, not quite all at once. That has been up on DW's site for at least a couple of weeks, if memory serves. But maybe there is something in the ether. As I said to my wife last night, "What if the Mayans dropped a decimal point somewhere and it's not 2012 at all, but THIS year?" ;)

Posted by: ditkoofseppala at March 1, 2009 09:23 PM

"Attention: All kennel paraphernalia and sled dogs for sale. This includes sleds, harnesses, lines, stackable igloo type dog houses, stakeouts, pans, books, historical pictures, dog boxes, dog truck, etc. For information on individual dogs, see 2009 Team page (link above, left) and puppies below. $500 (teamdogs) to $1000 (racing leaders - 5 of the adults trail lead or more). Package deals. Last dog sold will be Rosy"

Posted by: I_believe_in_conspiracies at March 1, 2009 09:17 PM


"....for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap..."
Galatians 6: 7-8

Posted by: preacherman at March 1, 2009 08:54 PM

You're posting too fast for me to both keep up reading and also write comments from my mobile device! :-)

Do what you need to do, Jeffrey - I'm with you. And I don't even WANT any sled dogs! Don't got no sled!

(I haven't forgotten Happy and Hippy, but they won't be SLED dogs here. :-( )

More when I'm at a normal keyboard.'

Posted by: Ed at March 1, 2009 08:49 PM