November 12, 2005

Starting to Get Snowed In!

The Editor-in-Chief is having a hard time tending to his editing chores just now! With one litter in my tiny shack 19 days old, another one imminent whenever Her Majesty Queen Tonya decides the moment is auspicious, and snowfalls locally unprecedented for the first third of November, getting to my remote computer/Internet location is fast becoming a major problem.

I'm hoping that as push comes to shove, my Associate Editors the Murrays will be able to get their feet wet with the MovableType application and can carry on posting items in my absence. (We don't yet have firm arrangements to get our long driveway plowed out and I'm not sure how much longer our trucks will manage to wallow through the drifts!)

If anyone has news, litter listings, articles, links or other items to submit, please send them to Jack Murray or Susan Murray (see the Tullilbardine Farm website for their e-mail addresses).

Posted by jjeffrey at November 12, 2005 03:25 PM