September 09, 2009

Registrar's Report to the W.C.A.C. Board

Registrar's Report to the Board--

of Suspension(s) of SSSD Pedigree(s), for just cause (listed in each
instance), as per by WCAC by laws Sec. 14.11--

Dushka of Seppala 3rd DOB 01/16/2005
(Pedigree on the above individual Suspended indefinitely, as W.C.A.C.
response & resolution to prior contract dispute between Poland Springs and
Seppala Kennels.)

Halo of Seppala DOB 11/11/2005
Hibouxgris of Seppala DOB 11/11/2005
(Pedigrees on the above 2 individuals Suspended indefinitely, as W.C.A.C.
response & resolution to prior contract dispute between Gatineau and
Seppala Kennels.)

Olaf of Seppala DOB 12/09/2005
(Pedigree on the above individual Suspended indefinitely, as W.C.A.C.
response & resolution to prior contract dispute between Poland Springs and
Seppala Kennels.)

Ulan of Seppala DOB 03/06/2006
(Pedigree on the above individual Suspended indefinitely, as W.C.A.C.
response & resolution to prior contract dispute between IsiBindi and
Seppala Kennels.)

And of Pending WCAC SSSD Litter Application, including the following reported individuals--
Barbe-Bleu de Gatineau DOB 01/23/2007
Blanchon de Gatineau DOB 01/23/2007
Bono de Gatineau DOB 01/23/2007
Bernard de Gatineau DOB 01/23/2007
Bidule de Gatineau DOB 01/23/2007
Butcher-Boucher de Gatineau DOB 01/23/2007
Bunty de Gatineau DOB 01/23/2007
(Registrar Pending inspection of required DNA parentage identification records/results for the above 7 individuals, to be made by members or
nonmembers in good standing.)

Posted by susanbragg at 11:50 AM