March 28, 2008

Cape Nome

Mitch Seavey is into Cape Nome at 21:53, 51 minutes after hitting Safety, averaging 10.5 mph for that nine-mile stretch.King checked into Cape Nome five minutes behind him It's starting to look like Seavey might sew it up, but King might still be able to coax some extra speed from his team on the Iditarod home stretch, or any little mishap could cost Seavey precious minutes. There is still the big unresolved question of the time differential; incredible that race authorities played it so close to the vest. (The race's "Leader Board" is listing King in first place with nine minutes SLOWER time than Seavey!) There could be pyrotechnics at the finish line. It ain't over till the fat lady sings . . .

Posted by ditkoofseppala at March 28, 2008 11:06 PM