March 29, 2008

It's Over

It's over, two mushers arrived at Nome ten minutes apart -- Mitch Seavey at 23:29:45 and Jeff King at 23:39:05. Seavey's total elapsed time was 61 hours 7 minutes; King's was 61 hours 21 minutes. The AAS Leader Board still has King posted in first place, though. Who knows why! The start time differential issue has so thoroughly beclouded this finish that it will take a Philadelphia lawyer to sort it all out.

Well, we can all find out who "won" tomorrow. At least we know what the times of the first two mushers into Nome supposedly were. What a freaking mess . . . it will be interesting to hear what is said tomorrow about start times, about the finish, about the trail, about the judge . . . they'll have plenty to argue about. The one thing that seems certain is that the trail record that has stood since 1910 is definitively broken, and by some 13 hours at that.

Posted by ditkoofseppala at March 29, 2008 01:24 AM