What's Happening in the Seppala Siberian Sleddog World

Seppala Siberian Sleddog Project Web Services
Undergo Change of Web Host and Total Reorganisation

I'm very happy to announce the full restoration of all SSSD Project web services. It has taken one solid month of unremitting hard work to accomplish the changeover from dotCanada to our new web host, BlueHost.com. We emerge from this difficult period with a reorganised and improved SSSD Project family of web services. Seppala Kennels, ISA and WCAC now have independent domain name web addresses:

The familiar SledDogBlog and Sleddog Legacy Online will now be found in a new subdomain, and there are now several other important subdomains in addition to the basic "www" one:

PLEASE, those of you who regularly visit our SSSD Project web services, do the following without delay and without fail! First, CLEAR your browser cookies and cache. (If you are a Windows user, on the top of your Internet Explorer browser menubars where it says "File Edit View Favorites Tools Help," open "Tools - Internet Options" and under "Temporary Internet Files" click on "Delete Cookies" and "Delete Files", and "Delete All Offline Content.") That will prevent outdated cookies from causing problems with the new setup. THEN under "Favorites" choose "Organize Favorites" and in the window that opens, select and delete ALL previous SSSD services links. Once you've done that, click on the links above, one by one, and as each successive subdomain opens, select "Add to Favorites" so that you will now have updated, correct links to these sites. If you have any special favourite pages within the sites, check to see whether the links still work; if not, navigate within the site to the pages you want and do "Add to Favorites" for those, too.

If any of you discover that your passwords to the database and the forums no longer work, please contact me by email for new passwords. If anyone discovers links that don't work properly on any of the above sites, please let Jeffrey know so that he can fix them. (I cannot possibly have corrected everything despite heroic efforts.)

Here's hoping that everyone will enjoy and benefit from our newly refurbished web sites and online services!